Sunday, April 30, 2006

An amazing week!

Well,well. It has been an amazing week. That is for sure. We arrived at our new home late Saturday night and deposited sleeping children in their beds. I sent Lee out for something to eat as we had not eaten much all day. So we had a nice quiet dinner together and fell into bed. The next morning we went out to a home church we are visiting right now and spent a good part of the day with those folks. Ahhhh! Little did I know what was in store for the week. Well,I had envisioned a week of unpacking and settling in.Hah! It was the Week of the Awful, Horrid Tummy Virus. Chelsea got it the worst. It got to the point where I feared we would end up taking her in. Vomiting,diarhea and fever. I have gone through some WARM fevers with my babies and this was the worst I can recall.Scary stuff. And the diarhea. I do not think I have seen anything like this in a little one before.Days of it. We called the pediatrician late one evening. I stayed in the rocking chair holding her through most of the night administering Pedialyte etc. etc. She pulled through and very slowly started getting better. And then it hit Alex. Now I understand what projectile vomiting means. Gulp.
Lee had a touch of it. We{re watching Jess with bated breath. Since he and I had a tummy thing earlier maybe he won{t get it. Knock on wood.
We had visitors during this week. We have no inhouse phone and internet access yet but cheap internet cafes a few steps away. I did get a bit of unpacking done and the house is basically great. I taught Jess to play Go Fish. He learned to write our last name. Just odd tidbits I{m writing out I guess. It looks like Lee and I will be opening a new cafe type thing soon. More details soon. I feel a little anxious right now,not sure why. Just all the change I guess.I think I{ll go look for some ice cream now. See ya!


At 9:44 AM, Blogger Dy said...

Well, goodness, I can see why you're feeling a bit anxious. You can't combine a move, a new cafe, and that many body fluids in one fell swoop without making any woman get a bit twitchy!

I hope all the little ones are healthy and exploring their new home this week, and that you get settled in enough to bake something delicious and wonderful!



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