Sunday, May 21, 2006

First Play

Speaking of looking for the learning in every day,what types of new things did we learn today..... Some things we did as we often do,not tooo much new. The boys did see their first play today.It was all I could do to keep Alex from bolting out out of the room as the costumed Mary implored that her sister Martha help with the work insead of praying at Jesus' feet.Jess took it all in . I think he's close to participating and interacting now instead of huddling in my shadow all the time. He even helped sing a little. Singing familiar English songs in Spanish is one more way to help him learn the language.
What else new.... We got on the bus at a different spot. We rode in a different taxi. We ate a new kind of soup at Grandma's house. Etc. Yes,there are new learning experiences going on so often.Even on a mostly regular day. It is important to discuss the new things with our children as they struggle to understand more and more. For our job is not to keep them dependent on us but to teach them to fly.
Well,tomorrow looks busy as the children and I hope to have a little time on the farm before making the long trip back to our city home. I hope and pray for our Father's blessing as we enter a new week,a new week in which to seek Him anew. Marcella


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