Friday, June 02, 2006

Busy,busy days!

Well,these days are so busy I can hardly condense them into neat and tidy boxes in my own mind,let alone on this blog. Lots of growth going on buisnesswise,mentally,spiritually and physically in the childrenĀ“s case. We are adjusting finally to the transition to city life and doing better than expected actually. Things are falling together in so many ways. Homeschooling/unschooling is falling in place beautifully just as we are reaching the stage that we need it to with the wonderful assistance of an eclectic variety of friends and aquaintances.We have so much,so very much to be thankful for.
We attended a get-together of expatriates today and made lots of contacts as usual.We met a gentleman who offered to make balloon animals for the boys and in the course of conversation the subject of our homeschooling came up and he happily said that his sister homeschooled her eleven children and now they in turn are homeschooling their own large families. Since he was here checking out the country it was wonderful for him to find likeminded people.
Samples of other folks there: a woman who exports organic coffee that is raised by a coop of local farmers,an employee of Hewlett-Packard I believe, a newbie retired bookkeeper looking to find a social group,a doctor and retired geologist who unschool,while they live here part time,they sell sausage,breads etc. and run a bed and breakfast as well as rent out cabins on their farm.They re good friends. Plastic surgeon? etc. etc. you get the gist. The array of people coming in and out of the country is colorful and everchanging. It is quite interesting when one gets to be an "oldtimer" here and be the one directing all the newbies around to resources as they come in.I actually really enjoy the aspect of making people comfortable as they arrive,often alone and green.
Well,there would be lots to write about but I made believe to Lee I was using the internet on buisness so I suppose I better follow through! Hope you all are enjoying your summers!


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