Saturday, September 16, 2006


Well,yeah,I know my posts must seem few and far between seeings that I said we would have high speed internet in the house,right. We were burglarized soon after moving in and that turned things topsy turvy pretty quick.Lee was quite concerned about our safety and how we would keep the same from happening all over again so we had a time of indecision as we pondered whether to keep unpacking or start packing back up.Many days and much window reinforcing later we are settled in and Lord willing,planning our future in our new home.We learned that thin bars over the windows are not enough.They must be thick. Keep few valuables in your home if you can not afford to replace them. And I am presently working on getting an alarm system installed which will be a big help I hope. Our church friends and also our loving landlady and her husband have come right to our aid to help out which will cover the costs involved with the security system but at this point a new computer will have to wait. My secure feeling in the neighborhood has vanished along with the computer and the knowledge that someone watched closely for a chance when we all left one evening to prowl and steal in our home does not make me feel too happy but we did find tracks some days later that seem to point to a out of hand neighbor boys home. Dear,dear. Well,at least that was the only thing.They could have taken a lot more.
I would really like to do some commenting on the books we have been reading recently but am running out of time. Hope to do some reviews soon.Far more interesting than writing about burglaries... Marcella