Sunday, April 30, 2006

An amazing week!

Well,well. It has been an amazing week. That is for sure. We arrived at our new home late Saturday night and deposited sleeping children in their beds. I sent Lee out for something to eat as we had not eaten much all day. So we had a nice quiet dinner together and fell into bed. The next morning we went out to a home church we are visiting right now and spent a good part of the day with those folks. Ahhhh! Little did I know what was in store for the week. Well,I had envisioned a week of unpacking and settling in.Hah! It was the Week of the Awful, Horrid Tummy Virus. Chelsea got it the worst. It got to the point where I feared we would end up taking her in. Vomiting,diarhea and fever. I have gone through some WARM fevers with my babies and this was the worst I can recall.Scary stuff. And the diarhea. I do not think I have seen anything like this in a little one before.Days of it. We called the pediatrician late one evening. I stayed in the rocking chair holding her through most of the night administering Pedialyte etc. etc. She pulled through and very slowly started getting better. And then it hit Alex. Now I understand what projectile vomiting means. Gulp.
Lee had a touch of it. We{re watching Jess with bated breath. Since he and I had a tummy thing earlier maybe he won{t get it. Knock on wood.
We had visitors during this week. We have no inhouse phone and internet access yet but cheap internet cafes a few steps away. I did get a bit of unpacking done and the house is basically great. I taught Jess to play Go Fish. He learned to write our last name. Just odd tidbits I{m writing out I guess. It looks like Lee and I will be opening a new cafe type thing soon. More details soon. I feel a little anxious right now,not sure why. Just all the change I guess.I think I{ll go look for some ice cream now. See ya!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Flowers for you

These flowers bloom in front and crawl up on the roof on our guest apartment.You can see them when you come to visit. My mom will be your hostess and entertain you with lots of new sights,smells and tastes.

The Upside and the downside

The upside to this move: We'll be in a much more comfortable home.
It will be a much more comfortable climate.
We'll be closer to homeschooling resources
like libraries etc.
Close to markets to sell our products.
The downside:
We're moving two hours from family and
congregation that has a lot of needs.
Our last move was about 6 months ago,this gets
The children will have to resort to parks again
for outdoor time. Snort.
I'll miss my mom! Sob.
I'll worry about my mom.Sigh.
I've lived in town here in Costa Rica but never
in the big city.Pure city,(the rent's good).
I don't have a clue how this will be.
Well,I've thought of a one or two more upsides and I didn't list all the downsides I guess. But close enough.You get the picture. We shall see and "for everything there is a season".
The water was off since early morning yesterday.These days it is very warm with humidity. Water is imperative. No drinking water,no bathing water,no dishwashing water,no pet water,no laundry water etc.And the town gave no notice.Piles of homes without water.Well, I guess it willbe the town's fault if the urgent laundry just mildews up. And I was planning to finish the packing and be ready for the final trip up to the new house(Lee has been taking everything up in jeeploads as he had to be back and forth anyway. We'll probably have to take one truckload.) But how can I proceed if I was going to do final laundry today.Wanted a sense of closure,I did!
Well, I imagine this will be my final post until we're set up in the new house.Then I plan to post some pictures of our new surroundings and tell of our newest adventures! Hasta Luego! Marcella

Friday, April 21, 2006


Last fall when we moved out of the United States again my sister-in-law gave me a box to open on the plane.(Our large family has this funny habit of giving each other things to open on the plane.) Anyway,inside were buttons for the whole family to wear. They said-EGBOK. Everything's Going To Be Ok. And so again,let us chorus in unison"Everything's Going To Be Ok!" Let us say it loudly.And let's get on with the show,er,packing and moving and buisness details.
Really not much of interest to readers I imagine.I keep getting rid of more stuff with each move.I told Lee soon I will only have a bag of things to sling over my back when I move.I'll have pared down that far.Guess I'll go now and see if I can hook that extension cord up to the coffeemaker.Ciao! Marcella

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

One more reason

One more reason to move out of this house-the toilet tank overflows with water whenever it wants to and floods out into everywhere. Which it did this morning.How unmannerly of it,when I already have so much to do. That needs to be fixed before I want to set foot in this house as housekeeper again. Sigh.
Jess has been making a lot of excuses about not moving. The car will break when we move the books,the patio is dirty in the new house etc. Finally he admitted to me that he just doesn't want to move. I really don't blame him for not liking all the moving. But I am quite excited at the thought of the new home!
Well,I must run along. Hasta hablamos! Marcella

Monday, April 17, 2006

Laundry and reading breaks

Well,I did a laundry marathon today.I'm going to keep some clothes at my mom's place so I won't have to drag laundry back and forth between houses on weekends when we come back to the farm.Luckily my sisters can wash the clothes when I leave! Now isn't that something! The weather at our new home is much chillier so I have shopping to do.Not to mention I let the boys run around in pretty beat up clothes at home because of all the mud puddle jumping,grass chopping,cement floor playing that went on.We shall have to become more civilized once again.
I took some little reading breaks in between the grind of laundry cleaning and sorting.I'm doing Kafka's Metamorphosis and Jess is into Lewis and Clark.
Lee got his buisness cards today-great! And I'm up cleaning out my e-mail boxes and making various arrangements when I should really be in bed,revving up for a new day. I must move! Buenas noches! Marcella

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Some pictures!

Showing off our new Spanish posters in our front yard.Yes,this picture is unclear!This is where we stayed for four days or so last week.We stayed at the very top.This is only a few feet from the Carribean so of course it was relaxing.Not to mention a real adventure!
Well,it seems to be official! We're hoping to be moved out of this half -done house by weeks end.No more rough concrete floor and blankets for walls and extension cords for lack of outlets and and.......
We will be in the nice cold mountains-hurray.We will be in the middle of the city-eeeee-yew! Well,I should go get some rest and get ready for a marathon week,Lord willing. "Night all! Marcella

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Humble Pie

Scenario: Alex:"May I have another piece of fruit?"
Mother:"Don't you think you might get fat if you keep eating so much?(Thinks of all the food he's eaten since lunch). You might get a big belly."
Alex"(cheerfully) Yeah! I want a big belly like you,Mom!"
Mother feels anxious and deflated.Did she really deserve this comment? She then muses on how humble children make parents sometimes.It's a great design by a wise Creator God! (Mother does think after thinking on it that she did not deserve the comment.)
Well,it was a full day of cleaning and tidying and cooking in the afternoon.Lee came home with a jeep stuffed to the gills with young people who scattered to their various activities on the place.One was a special guest of our family so we invited her to dinner and another showed up to visit at the supper hour so we set an extra plate for dessert. I really,really like to feed people! I made a tomatoey Greek dish with eggplant,reheated brown rice,garlicky oven potato fries,yogurt from our milk plant,and a salad tossed with my own homemade dressing and my own mock apple streusel(it's really papaya dressed up with brown sugar,cinnamon,butter and lime juice and cooked to a sauce) served with farm-produced pumpkin pie ice cream and chocolate covered macadamia nut ice cream. Superb. Must now check out internet connection problem. Marcella

Friday, April 07, 2006

New Horizons

So I deleted months worth of posts.History. Maybe a good thing,maybe a bad thing.It's done now. I've been sluggish with blogging lately. The botched template had something to do with it I know.My best foot was not forward. I really like having this template again.It feels like my right skin has returned. Something about the tidy little boxes this template uses for each post sits well with me.(Does this say something about my personality???) So I hope to renew blogging with vigor.I don't know about the rest of you but it gives me some accountability for my day and helps me keep track and sort out the impressions,thoughts and feelings that go through my head. There are New Horizons opening up for our family in the near future from what we know at the moment.When I started this blog(the deleted one) it was a time of great limbo for our family.A lot has happened in the last few weeks that have showed us direction and given us the necessary ingredients for more stability and planning ahead. While I doubt we'll be buying a Longterm Home just yet, we have a much better ability to plan and plot.
In all our planning and plotting I hope and pray we will be open to God's leading and allow His plans to be Our Plans.I feel His voice whispering about all the needs around me and I hope I can reach out to the people He puts in my path.
Hopefully soon I can post some interesting specifics on all these mysterious plots!! I think it involves a house with real walls and doors and a Real floor. More next week,Lord willing.
Today my ankle suddenly went out of commission and my ongoing fight with a new stomach flu battle put me in bed.Letting my sister look after the small people and just relaxing was most likely the best thing that could have happened to me even though initially I felt otherwise.
I have been rather obsessed with reading the archives over in The Common Room and keep printing off useful info.I hope it will still be up when I need to direct my sons to suitable news items.It's a great service to those of us who also read the news with care.
The boys have found a set of old story collection books on the bookshelves and so we've been reading lots of oldies but goodies.And we discuss and discuss the stories after.I'd like to get Jess maps since I see him retaining geography names more and more.I found a copy of the catalog Tobin's Lab while rummaging through the free boxes last Saturday and it has the most scrumptious science stuff I think we may have to put an order in for some science song tapes. But mostly we will read and do hands on stuff like mixing up biscuit dough and creating fanciful shapes out of them and watering our pet plants. They will interact as I make Bible verse posters,help me scrub their dirty clothes, and sweep up the crumbs after we eat.This is what we all enjoy. We make egg carton caterpillars and build cars with magnet blocks and enjoy each others company. It's a wonderful way to live.
Hasta luego! Marcella


Change. I was lonely for my old template,upset that my sidebar had migrated,and frustrated because trying to republish the blog only made the problem worse and trying to figure out html is hardly my cuppa tea.